
Welcome to The Land of Sen Blog!

Miles Monroe wakes up in the 1973 movie Sleeper and says, “And I haven’t seen my analyst in 200 years … If I’d been going all this time, I’d probably almost be cured by now.” 

Perhaps if Miles had regularly visited this Land of Sen blog, he might almost have reduced his time in therapy. 

The Sen are a group that walled its community off in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey and developed self-help techniques, ones quite needed in our fast-paced society. They are the subject of two novels, Sen, Secluded (published, with plans also for a new chapter to be uploaded bimonthly on this site) and Sen, DiaSoul.   

The Sen and friends of Sen – you, hopefully! – have some self-help techniques that may help us shorten our time to sanity. 

On this blog, I will post chapters from my first novel, Sen, Secluded, weekly and the Sen will share their self-help techniques monthly.  It is my hope that you will be encouraged to contribute your own novel self-help techniques.  Give your techniques a name — we can all benefit from shared wisdom!      

Kevin Hackett: “Like Freud, only more neurotic”

Click here for the Glossary to Senlish Terms.

Click here for Sen, Secluded (COMPLETE NOVEL)

Click here for Sen, DiaSoul (COMPLETE NOVEL)